Adérito Cassolongo
CEO & Founder
Cassca Technologies Group
A Word from the CEO
When I wrote my first business plan upon deciding on founding Cassca Technologies in 1999, I was inspired by a Professor's invitation to visit a satellite NOC in Pretoria South Africa. I was already coming from an IT Background out of a United Nations Mission - UNAVEM-III and MONUA in Angola.
After that moment, I created a slogan to represent my future aspirations sourced out of my last name and expressed it in the following manner. CASSO - Center of Analysis Scientific Studies and Observation. To this day, I keep the file to share it with my children hoping that one day, we will build and run scientific center that creates science to serve humanity. May God bless my dream and let it happen in time or though my offspring.
Embrace knowledge acquisition and transform it into solutions that serve our communities, societies, and the world, upholding human value as God given gifts
Our Values
Respect and uphold the diversity of culture
Always uphold ethical business practices
Compromised with client results
Focused on community empowerment
Climate and environment conscious
To redesign and redefine the educational system into one that is focused in creating value added products and services to serve its community supported by technology, scientific research and innovation, engineered by locally empowered people for the good of their communities, society and humanity.